Thursday, December 23, 2010

Though my family is in McCall, my mom is in the hospital getting surgery on an infection in her last surgery. She had a hernia from having my little sis Tessa. I'm sort of afraid and worried about her but I know shes in a lot of prayers. Heavenly Father will answer those prayers.


This year most of my family is staying in McCall, Idaho where I live. This year only 2 of my families aren't staying in McCall. I'M SOOOOOO HAPPY AND EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I saw Elder L. Tom Perry!!!

You know that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And when I went to stake conference today I saw Elder L. Tom Perry ( AN APOSTLE !!!!!!! ). First we did our stake bussiness like setting the stake pres. apart. ( I know ,I know, it's all sad and stuff like that.) but at the end when the mens choir sang a speicial song, my dad said that I needed to get in the hallway right next to where the apostle was sitting.So when the prayer was done and I said amen, I ran up to the door and a missoinary opened it and said we could go ahead. So I ran out the door and ran to the front of the line and shook his hand . He said is your shoe coming off young lady?I said yes.but that is not all. When my dad got in the back of the line,( Which is now about mmmmmmmmmmm.... the whole chapel long !!!!!!) I got in line with him. Soooooooo I got to shake the apostles hand twice!!!!!!!!!! HA!!! (Even though he said "I saw you up there!!")so that is how and when I shook L. Tom Perry's hand.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

let people know my blog is here

  1. ask me for the blog website
  2. check out my blog
  3. show other people my blog
  4. give them the website



tizzy & kam the man have blogs to!

i'm not the only one of the kids to have a blog , in fact i didn't make this blog!my mom decided herself to make my blog named "bethie boo" and kam's named"kam the man" plus tessa's called"tizzy"!it's very funny what mom's say and do.

feeling better

my wrist is feeling better!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

bad falls

Last night we went huckleberry pick'n with McKenna Napier. We were trying to beat kam to the car on a road with lots of rocks and bumps. Right as I saw the car, crash!!!I FELL ON MY FACE(and also pulled a muscle near my rist)! so right now I have my arm wrapped up in a sling , and
I'm type writing with my left hand!!!WHAT A BAD FALL!!!!